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What we change inwardly will change outer reality

Chill Hard to Protect Your Brain


Research studies in both animals and people show pretty clearly that stress can affect how the brain functions. Scientists have seen changes in how the brain processes information when people experience real-life stress and stress seems to interfere with cognition, attention, and memory. Stress affects not only memory and many other brain functions, like mood and anxiety, but also promotes inflammation, which adversely affects both brain and heart health.

Stress Meter


Chronic (persistent) stress may actually rewire your brain and put you more into a survival mode than a learning and decision-making mode. When you are under chronic stress, there is a part of your brain, called the amygdala, that can go into overdrive because the amygdala is all about making sure you survive. When this happens, the parts of your brain responsible for high-order tasks such as decision making, creating memories, planning, and emotional regulations are less active.

What we change inwardly will change outer reality. – Plutard

Learning techniques to handle the stress in your life is one of the six cornerstones for an effective brain health program. CogniStrength recognizes the importance of both reducing life’s stressors as well as learning how to deal with stress and provides you with the resources to help you better manage your emotional health.


Coping With Life’s Challenges

The musician John Lennon made famous the quote “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” As we grow older, we can be faced with a variety of impactful challenges, such as the death of loved ones, divorce, medical concerns, and financial strains. The strength of our resolve and our coping mechanisms are put to the test during times of difficult life situations.

When we do not have the ability to cope with life’s challenges, there are many emotional and mental issues that can arise. We can start feeling detached from others, become moody and irritable, become less interested in what used to give us pleasure, and depression/anxiety disorders can occur. It is vital to our cognitive wellbeing to develop effective coping mechanisms to recover from setbacks.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves – Victor Frankl

CogniStrength provides online resources to assist you in building a resilient and strong emotional status to help you remain calm in the face of difficult situations. When you have resilience, you have a multitude of coping strategies to draw upon when needed. CogniStrength offers lessons in building gratitude, resources for online therapy, and practices to help reduce anxiety and depression. We also offer a select group of therapeutic supplements and herbs to support your brain and nervous system.


Freedom From Stress


Mindfulness-Meditation and Quality Sleep

Neurologist have been studying the benefits of mindfulness for decades and a abundance of research shows it can counter the effects of life’s stressors, reduce anxiety and depression, enhance thinking and memory, and even reduce chronic pain. Researchers now know that two different types of brain processes are enhanced by mindfulness. The brain pathways that process information are increased as well as the ability of the brain to focus on tasks.

One of the wonderful aspects of mindfulness training is it does not take much time for the practice to have very positive effects on the brain. Research has shown people completely new to mindfulness techniques can achieve significant improvement in their working memory, fatigue reduction, executive functioning, attention span and overall feelings of wellbeing after just 4 days of training.


Joyful woman enjoying the freedom of the beach standing with open arms and a happy smile looking up towards the sky


Our bodies change as we age and one of the major shifts is the ability to achieve quality sleep. Sleep deprivation makes parts of the brain that handle higher-order functions work less well. Almost 50-70 million people in America have a chronic sleep disorder and 62% of Americans experience a sleep problem a few nights a week. Not only does sleep dysfunction leave us groggy in the morning, but it also puts us at risk for a whole host of health consequences such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and cognitive decline as well as a reduced quality of life.

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. ~ Thomas Dekker

CogniStrength addresses the need for you to Chill Hard by offering programs in mindfulness and meditation, instructions on breathing techniques, and resources to teach you the art of just relaxing and doing nothing. CogniStrength believes that a fundamental tenet of a strong brain is quality sleep. We offer instructions in Heart Math training, sleep apps to monitor your sleep, and supplement recommendations all carefully selected to help you get a full, restorative night’s sleep.


Our Commitment to YOU

CogniStrength understands that we can’t avoid stress in our life and most people feel stress from time to time. When stress becomes prolonged or settles into an everyday occurrence, the long-term effects on our brain can result in cognitive disorders. CogniStrength is dedicated to your desire to have a long healthspan. By providing you with stress management techniques and processes to help you just Chill Hard, we help to insure you have access to vibrant wellbeing and enduring quality of life.

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Together, We Got This
