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Strength Is Realizing You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

About Us

Joan Brackin Cover

Our Mission

Our mission is to change the paradigm on healthy aging by preventing and reversing cognitive decline. We accomplish this by providing access to cutting-edges practices that support the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of optimal brain health.


Our Vision

Our vision is that everyone experiences a vibrant healthspan free from cognitive decline.

Dad and Me On Our Final Golf Trip

Dad and Me On Our Final Golf Trip

My Brother During Our Last Christmas

My Brother During Our Last Christmas

Our Founder

I began my career straight out of graduate school as a scientist and biotechnologist with one of the largest Fortune 500 agricultural biotechnology companies in the world. I spent 17 years with this company and another 12 years as an engineer developing novel solutions for the prevention of water and groundwater pollution. I hold a MS in Microbiology, a BS in Civil Engineering, and an MBA in Finance.

Ten years ago, I suspended my career to take care of my precious mother who had developed vascular dementia and needed my help. While taking care of mom and working with several skilled integrative medicine doctors, I realized there was a much-needed paradigm shift for healthy aging. One that encompasses wellbeing as an integration of the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of health. I restarted my career in 2016 as a Certified Integrative Medicine Health Coach and have had my own private practice for 6 years.

I moved my mother to San Diego in 2013 and she was with me 5 years before respiratory failure took her life. It was so emotionally draining to see the slow deterioration of such a smart, feisty and resilient woman. I had planned to take a few months of personal recovery after the death of mom, but life has a way of making other plans for us. My brother contacted me three months after mom’s passing to let me know he could no longer take care of himself. The long-term effects of several head injuries in his younger life caused Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinsons Disease. I flew back home to take care of Mark and had just a year with him before brain disease took his life. Fortunately, we had time in that last year to reminisce about life and bond as a brother and sister.

CogniStrength was developed from my personal experience with life-altering cognitive disease and my passion to make a difference in the prevention and reversal of cognitive impairment. The field of knowledge for understanding the multiple causes of cognitive disease is growing by quantum leaps. The new models of cognitive decline lend so much more hope for being able to live a long and healthy life without ever succumbing to cognitive impairment. These new models incorporate modifiable risk factors, epigenetic changes, inflammation reduction, and even the social and spiritual aspects of maintaining good cognitive health.

On the CogniStrength site, you will find articles on cutting edge cognitive research, solutions for achieving optimal brain health, product recommendations, test kits to give you insight on your current health, and unique formulations to enhance your overall wellbeing. It is my sincere desire you join us in this vastly growing community of people dedicated to living a full and vibrant life.

Together, We Got This

Sweet Mom During Her Stay in San Diego

Sweet Mom During Her Stay in San Diego